5 Steps to Curing Hangover Skin
Yep. It happened again.
You stayed out too late, had a little too much to drink, or (as is often my case) stayed completely sober but danced, adventured, or socialized yourself loopy. Now you’re fumbling through your dark apartment, already dreading the hangover headache and, worse yet, the sallow, exhausted skin and bloodshot eyes you’ll try in vain to conceal with sunglasses while waiting in line for that desperately needed cup o’ jo (or Orale Breakfast Taco from “DT,” as is The Postrider tradition).
If only there was a way to skip that “face of shame”… If only there were 5 simple totally-doable-while-still-buzzed-from-that-last-glass-of-wine skin care steps to save your complexion so you can sautner into your local Starbucks like the indestructible weekend warrior we’d all like to be…
Oh wait. There is. And it’s right here.
You can thank me in the morning.
The Night Of
- Erase the Evidence
STOP! I know your perfectly perky pillows are oh, so tempting to collapse into, but you’ll regret it when you wake to find your linens smeared with mascara and/or soaked through with the stench of whatever you were drinking last night. What’s worse, your skin will be pretty pissed that you let makeup and sweat hang out in your pores all night and will retaliate with blemishes galore. Do yourself a favor and wash your face before you hit the hay. A face wash formulated to remove excess dirt, such as Evan Healy Tea Tree Gel Cleanser, will ensure your pores are spotless.
- Make Morning You Proud
Let’s take a moment to recall the last time you stayed up past your bedtime. More specifically, let’s recall the pale, zombie-like version of you who cringed against the bathroom light and sported under-eye bags deep enough to hold all of Mary Poppins’ wears. In one simple step, we’re going to ensure that the you in the mirror is going to be a fair bit, well, less undead. Simply smooth on an overnight AHA treatment (I’m a huge fan of Derma E Overnight Peel). This will slough off dead skin cells and dullness overnight for an I-totally-drink-green-juice-everyday kinda complexion.
The Morning After
- Drink Up

Photo credit: hydroflask.com
Yeah, no, I don’t mean go back to the bar and drink off your hangover. I mean replenish yourself with, you know, actual water. Alcohol, dancing, and other after-hours activities dehydrate you and your skin, leading to wrinkles, under-eye shadows, and dry patches. Hopefully you remembered to leave a glass of water on your bedside table that you can chug upon waking. If not, got back to your “The Night Of” list and add that in somewhere. Morning you will be very grateful.
- Soak In Your Beauty
You’re going to love this one because it basically involves slapping some nice-smelling goo on your face and going back to bed. Smooth on a hydrating mask like Andalou Naturals 1000 Roses Rosewater Mask to give your thirsty skin some instant gratification (Pro tip: chilling your mask in the fridge overnight will give it extra under-eye-depuffing and headache-soothing powers). Typically, you’d leave a mask on for 10-20 minutes, but feel free to let it soak in until you find the strength to get back out of bed.
- Have One for the Road
You’ve done the hard work of laying the foundation of a good skin day, so why leave the rest up to fate? Your skin may become dry, tight, and tired again throughout the day, so keep a hydrating facial spray, such as Heritage Store Rosewater Spray, on hand for on-the-go refreshment. It’s the last step to giving yourself that “I totally got my recommended 8 hours of sleep” glow.