Editorial Independence

Advertisements and partnerships are a largely unavoidable aspect of any Internet offering. However, these decisions are made external to editorial ones and we maintain a strict separation between advertisement and financial contributions and any content-related decisions. By the nature of our largely self-funded operations, our owners hold significant stakes in the site, but we have codified complete editorial independence under the Editor-in-Chief, independent of investors or owners.


The Postrider is predominantly self-funded so we appreciate all support that comes to the site. However, we will not accept donations from sources or subjects of stories. If a source or subject donates to The Postrider, an editor’s note will be appended to the story in question, and The Postrider will donate that donation to a relevant charity.


If a factual correction is necessary, the piece in question will be appended with a disclaimer describing the error and the subsequent correction.


The Postrider is a nonpartisan platform and does not endorse candidates. All opinions expressed by Postrider contributors belong solely to the writer or speaker and not to The Postrider itself. This does not mean we will not offer opinions and perspectives on polarized or partisan issues. But the views stated in any given piece on The Postrider are those of the writer, and the writer alone.

Anonymous Sources

The Postrider allows anonymous sourcing, but the identity and contact information of the source must be made available to the Editor-in-Chief and vertical editor, and all claims made by an anonymous source must be corroborated by at least one other source.


The Postrider has a zero-tolerance policy regarding plagiarism. If a contributor is found to have plagiarized any contribution, they will be barred from contributing to The Postrider, and the piece in question will be appended with a disclaimer.

Contributor Anonymity

If a contributor has reason to believe a piece that they want to write for The Postrider will negatively affect them financially or reputationally, they may publish – with consent of the Editor-in-Chief and any relevant vertical editor – under the pseudonym of The Postrider. In these limited circumstances, we feel that the credibility of the site’s editors and the site itself should speak for the credibility of the contributor. 

Sponsored Content

If The Postrider has received payment to publish a sponsored piece, we will clearly mark it as such. We do not publish any content, including sponsored content, that has not ultimately been approved by the Editor-in-Chief.

Financial Stake Relevant to Story

Contributors providing content about a particular business or investment should not hold any active (this excludes mutual or index funds, composed of shares in numerous companies) stake in what they are covering within seven days prior to or after publication. No offering from The Postrider is meant to be financial or investment advice.

Opinion Pieces

Political opinion content will be published and clearly identified as “Opinion” content at the discretion of the Politics Editor or the Editorial Board. Factors to be considered in determining if we will designate a piece an “Opinion” piece include: the use and scope of reliable sources, the use of inflammatory or clearly partisan rhetoric, an explicit endorsement of a given party or candidate, and the context of the author’s professional background related to the piece.