

The Postrider’s 2019 Oscars Preview

They haven’t aired yet, but the 91st Academy Awards are already a huge mess. Last year’s ceremony pulled the smallest audience ever, prompting ABC to press the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make changes to the broadcast ...

The Last Airbender: 101 & 102

Avatar: The Last Airbender first aired 14 years ago today. It unites audiences and themes that reverberate across the spectrums of young and old, critic and skeptic, and jovial and serious. It blends a unique array of serious issues, including ...

The Top 25 Albums of 2018

I know what you’re thinking: it’s almost February, isn’t it a little late for another best of 2018 list? And you’re right! Pitchfork, Stereogum, and all of those other big outlets beat me to the punch by almost three months. ...

Life Auditing for the New Year

I was recently complimented/teased for running a fairly efficient life. I track my activities, my goals, and consistently seek to do everything “the most” I can do it. Whether this is a product of pure ambition (probably not) or just ...

The Top 30 Songs of 2018

Looking back at my top 30 songs of 2017, I was reminded that there were several songs that could’ve taken the top spot. But, in 2018, there were really only a few select releases that dominated my year and that ...

How We Did On Our 2018 Senate Projections

Though the election was over a month ago, several close races have been forced into overtime. Additional ballots were counted, recounts were triggered in Florida, and Mississippi held the final round of its special election for the Senate at the ...

Rockism and Poptimism in A Star Is Born

A Star is Born opens with Bradley Cooper’s Jackson Maine, a drunk and ragged rock star who sells out arenas, discovering Lady Gaga’s Ally as she sings “La Vie en Rose” in a drag bar. After being dragged backstage by ...

2018 Senate Election Ratings and Forecast

On November 6, America will line up for what may be one of the most consequential midterms of the 21st Century. Whether it can be seen ultimately as a referendum on Donald Trump, progressivism, eroding political norms, or on identity ...

Revisited: The 20/20 Experience

I spend a disproportionate amount of my time listening to albums that the rest of the world stopped talking about years ago. That’s partly because I am convinced music peaked over a decade ago, partly because I can’t be bothered ...