Kathleen Lovito
5 Tips for Styling Unique Outfits for Every Holiday Party
The holiday season, if you have not noticed, is fully upon us. Some enjoy this time of year for the festive atmosphere, glittery decorations, and spiced drinks. I like it because holiday time means party time, and party time means ...
Zodiac Beauty Series: Taurus (April 20-May 21)
Photo credit: Pinterest How are we all feeling now that Aries season has come to a close? I’m going to assume mad hype from Aries’s ceaseless energy, but perhaps a little weary, as well. After all, even the jauntiest of ...
Zodiac Beauty Series: Aries (March 21-April 19)
Photo credit: Pinterest I’m nothing if not two things: (1) a wannabe beauty maven and (2) a devote astrology nerd. I mean, seriously, makeup tutorials? I watch them. Zodiac dates? I know them. Cutting edge cosmetics? I review them. Astrological ...
10 Spring 2019 Beauty Trends You Can Achieve with Green Beauty Products
I was a proud subscriber of Seventeen Magazine for a good half dozen years or so from my tweens to mid-teens and, as such, have always considered myself “hip with the trends” to a certain degree. I mean, all it ...
Julia Jacklin Turns Heavy and Contemplative with Album “Crushing”
Do a quick Google Images search of Julia Jacklin and you’ll find an Aussie in her late twenties, frizzy-haired, and dressed in plaid mini skirts. She’s often captured staring blankly into the camera, stationed sometimes before flora, sometimes in tackily ...
5 Things No One Told Me About Having Anorexia
Pause for a second, close your eyes, and conjure up an image of someone with anorexia. What do they look like? If you’re like most people, they’re probably female with a waist you could cold hold in a single fist, ...
Product Review: Kosas Makeup Color Trifecta Weightless Lip Color Trio
Lip colors have been the bane of my makeup bag since the very beginning of my makeup-wearing days. From texture to tone to staying power, it seems like they’re the hardest product to get right, and, when they’re wrong, there’s ...
The Winter Blues is Real. Here Are 5 Ways to Make It Less Awful.
You know, winter has the potential to be a truly fantastic season. It’s front-loaded with some awesome holidays, invites in the best of all fashion trends (layering), and serves up scrumptious seasonal recipes (I’m looking at you, butternut squash soup). ...
Product Review: Ere Perez Eyeshadow Palette in Gorgeous
This may come as a surprise to those who know me as the floofy-haired, pencil-skirted, red nail-polished vintage-vixen-wannabe I present as today, but I was a pretty frumpy lady up until high school. I mean, I remember wanting to embody ...
Life With Depression: Why There’s Laundry All Over My Floor
Photo credit: Good Housekeeping A small disagreement recently stirred the placid tides of The Postrider HQ. Believe it or not, it wasn’t about the site. Nor was it about a dispute over photo captioning conventions or who ate whose lunch ...
A Ren Fest Newbie’s Take on the Maryland Renaissance Festival
Photo credit: Capital Gazette If you’ve ever been to a Michaels craft store you know how… much… it is. We’re talking beads of every shape and color, scrapbooking materials for the most obscure memories, birdhouse-building supplies (because that’s apparently a ...
5 Steps to Curing Hangover Skin
Yep. It happened again. You stayed out too late, had a little too much to drink, or (as is often my case) stayed completely sober but danced, adventured, or socialized yourself loopy. Now you’re fumbling through your dark apartment, already ...
The Spread: Smucker’s Natural Crunchy Peanut Butter
Photo credit: CBS New York Hello and welcome to The Spread, your place for weekly takes on the hippest, richest nut butters on the market. Each week, I’ll eat and review a new variety, brand, and/or flavor of nut butter ...
Georgetown’s Filomena Ristorante is Bountiful with Saucy Nostalgia
Photo credit: Filomena Ristorante Have you ever crossed paths with one of those strip clubs that have dancers shaking their bits in the front window to entice customers puppy-in-the-pet-shop-style? Yeah, me neither. I imagine most of those establishments were done ...
The One Thing Missing From My String of Fairytale Romances
The lips on the other side of my first kiss belonged to Tiago*, a friend of a friend’s roommate visiting from out of town. We met at a Halloween party where he came dressed in a fitted, short-sleeve button down ...
This is What it Means to Live With High-Functioning Depression
My manager called me into his office the other day to “talk about my future” at the company I’ve been contracting at for about 6 months. That future, as it turns out, is rather bright. My manager intends to hire ...