Louis Ryan
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Triage
The Visitors are gearing up for the end of For All Mankind’s second season. This week’s episode is entirely devoted to the penultimate entry, Triage. A disastrous international kerfuffle leads to cold war tensions being raised. Ed and Karen seemingly ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Don’t Be Cruel and And Here’s to You
For All Mankind coverage continues. In part one, a plane takes off and doesn’t land causing lots of tension for our characters at NASA. Ellen is forced to deal with a sudden career change. Danielle’s visit to the Soviet Union ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: The Weight and Best-Laid Plans
The Visitors have reached the halfway point of the second season! Mike and Louis discuss the trials and travails of Gordo and Tracy as they both deal with the “weight” of their life choices. The Russians are coming! They’re already ...
Pony Express: Black Adam
Michael, Louis, and special guest Zachary Byrd discuss Black Adam, the DCEU’s latest superhero blockbuster and a backdoor attempt to launch the Justice Society to mainstream popularity. Did they think this worked in introducing more obscure characters to a wider ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Rules of Engagement and Pathfinder
Another week, another new episode of the Visitors! For All Mankind’s second season continues with Danielle, Gordo, and Ed developing new motivations for returning to space. Adopted daughter Kelly decides what her top school is going to be, with dramatic ...
Fortress of Ineptitude: Judge Dredd
In the latest Fortress of Ineptitude, Michael and Louis discuss 1995’s Judge Dredd, a much maligned film that’s they find surprisingly watchable. Tune in to hear their thoughts of 2000 A.D., Rob Schneider, and the state of the modern comic ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Every Little Thing and The Bleeding Edge
Zounds! The Visitors return from hypersleep to cover Season 2 of For All Mankind. See what changes occur as we jump ahead to the 1980s! I want my MTV, indeed. President Ronald Reagan is drawing a hard-line in space against ...
Fortress of Ineptitude: Daredevil
How do you kill a man without fear? You make a bad movie about him! After watching flawed comic book love letter Superman Returns, Louis and Michael take a look at 2003’s Daredevil, which eschews superheroic frivolity for a dark ...
Pony Express: Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Shows of All Time
Two weeks ago, Rolling Stone released their list of the 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time, as voted on by a group of tv professionals and critics. Michael and Louis discussed the top ten of the list, how to ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Bent Bird and A City Upon a Hill
It’s the season finale of For All Mankind’s breakthrough first season. Louis and Mike are joined by Postrider CEO Lars Emerson to discuss the last two episodes of the season. Will Apollo 24 make it to the moon? Will Ed ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Hi Bob and Rupture
Give the people what they want! Mike and Louis listened, which is why they talk about Bob Newhart and VHS tapes for 10 minutes. Eventually, they get into discussing For All Mankind. These two episodes are “The Dark Night of ...
Fortress of Ineptitude: Superman Returns
Today, The Postrider is very excited to unveil Fortress of Ineptitude, the latest show within The Pony Express feed. Join hosts Louis Ryan and Michael Lovito as they discussed the forgotten and maligned superhero films of not so recent memory ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Into the Abyss and Home Again
Mike and Louis have reached the halfway point of the season. Apollo 15 has finally landed on the moon, and finally delivers on some outer space action. How much ice is there on the moon exactly, and will they be ...
Pony Express: 2022 Emmys Preview
Michael and Louis preview the 74th Primetime Emmy Awards.
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Nixon’s Women and Prime Crew
In this episode, Nixon wants to follow the Soviets’ lead and land an American woman on the moon. NASA begins finding and training women astronauts. Two hours focusing on the feminine side of space travel help elevate the show from ...
The Visitors Might Be Listening – For All Mankind: Red Moon and He Built the Saturn V
The Visitors return for a second exciting season! They head into bold new territory covering the Apple TV+ series For All Mankind. Joining the Visitors this season is new co-pilot Mike Lovito. Together, Louis and Mike will be doing a ...
Pony Express: The Rehearsal Part II
Louis, Lars, and Michael discuss the fascinating and controversial conclusion to The Rehearsal, and wonder what’s next for the mad genius that is Nathan Fielder
The Visitors Might Be Listening Season 2: For All Mankind
Today, we’re proud to announce that Louis Ryan’s hit podcast The Visitors Might Be Listening is returning for a second season, where Louis and co-host Michael Lovito will break down season one of Apple TV+’s For All Mankind. You don’t ...
A Look Back at Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
As far back as I can remember, one of my favorite films has been Who Framed Roger Rabbit? The VHS copy of the 1988 Disney (by way of Touchstone) film was screened many times in my childhood home. It’s a ...
Miracle Monday is a Lost Superman Classic
Let’s just get this right out of the way –-Superman isn’t boring. He’s far from it. But he is a character that benefits from a writer that cares. Elliot S! Maggin is definitely a Superman writer that cares (and yes, ...
Pony Express: Thor: Love and Thunder
Michael, Louis, and Alex discuss Thor: Love and Thunder, the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Taika Waititi’s second crack at the God of Thunder.
Pony Express: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Michael, Alex, Lars, Louis, discuss the latest MCU entry, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.