Category: Science & Technology
My Favorite Moments from Jensen Huang’s GTC Keynote 2025
Will AI Video Cannabalize the Entertainment Industry?
With tons of people speculating that the gold rush of generative AI tools might just be another hype-bubble similar to that of NFTs or the Metaverse, AI video generation models provide evidence to the contrary. AI video generators such as ...
COVID-19 Deaths Weren’t Enough to Swing the 2020 Election — But They Might Be In 2024
COVID-19 has killed around 800,000 Americans. Joe Biden won the 2020 election by a margin of less than 45,000 votes in three states. There’s a morbid, tragic, and uncomfortable question that may linger in the back of your mind when ...
Coastal Centrality, Conservatism, and Premature Death Rates
This is part two of a series of pieces on premature deaths in America and the role our distance from the centers of power in this country have on that. Click here to read part one. Last week, we examined ...
Is East Coast Centrality Killing Us?
It’s probably an understatement to say that, out of all of America’s regions, its coasts receive the most attention. Media, economic, political, and soft power is concentrated in metropolises along America’s shorelines. Eight coastal cities — New York, Los Angeles, ...
Congress Needs to Take the Lead on COVID-19
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz recently received some attention for wearing a gas mask on the House floor as a messaging gimmick during the novel coronavirus response emergency spending vote. He has been accused of “making light” of the disease and ...
Why Jack Actually Couldn’t Fit on the Door
Image credit: Paramount Pictures Ever since Titanic came out in 1997 and somehow won Best Picture, there’s been a great debate about whether or not Jack could have also joined Rose on that abnormally large and fancy door. You know, ...
On State and Science
Welcome to the inaugural piece of The Postrider’s State & Science vertical. As your State & Science Editor I wanted to introduce this section, outline our vision, explain why these two very broad and important subjects have been combined, and how The Postrider will ...