On State and Science
Welcome to the inaugural piece of The Postrider’s State & Science vertical. As your State & Science Editor I wanted to introduce this section, outline our vision, explain why these two very broad and important subjects have been combined, and how The Postrider will tackle these kinds of stories.
The Postrider‘s other verticals – Movies & TV, Music, Lifestyle, and Leisure – all hinge on opinion – informed opinion – but opinion nonetheless. But State & Science is different, it encompasses politics, economics, business, science, technology, and content explicitly presented to you about the institutions and laws (both human and natural) that affect our daily lives. And without sounding all high and mighty, that comes with a responsibility to be cautious, fair, and firm. That does not mean opinion will not play a role in some pieces, but the intent is to – in cases where there is no data or science – identify opinion as opinion and be educated in them.
As a rule, the foundation of our State & Science writing will hinge on a fact-based analysis of current affairs, policy, science, and business. We will not publish work that endorses pseudo-science, conspiracy theories, or any other form of “alternative facts.” This includes, but is not limited to, ad hominem attacks on credible news sources, the promotion of white supremacy, denials of climate change, and claims regarding the false link between GMOs and vaccines to developmental disabilities. We’d like to think that would go without saying, but, alas, there are a lot of platforms out there spreading disinformation in the guise of the truth, so we want to be clear about the standards we hold ourselves to. We believe in the importance of good institutions and the scientific process, and believe that there are truths to be found even in the most polarized of politics and the most calamitous of stock market crashes.
We know that the subjects of government, politics, business, and global affairs (or as we’ve shortened it, “State”) are often unintentionally subjective and that the mere act of choosing what will be written about, and which subjects will receive attention, can be perceived as expressing an opinion. It is acceptable and encouraged to have opinions here, after all, there’s a lot going on, and we live in an opinionated society! But we will do our best to tell you when opinions are opinions, when facts are facts, and base our opinions on facts to the extent that is possible.
Our approach to writing about science leaves no room for a lack of objectivity. With science comes the appreciation of truth, method, and a grand lens of who we are in the universe. It’s not personal, it’s not opinion, it simply is. This is not to say science is never wrong, what we knew to be has failed us many times, but a fundamental belief in the processes and methods that bring us to the conclusions we find is paramount to analyzing these topics. In science we’ll be covering everything from NASA’s latest discoveries, the latest and greatest in technology, behavioral analysis, and the fundamentals of mathematics and natural laws that make us who we are. Science is incredibly broad. In recent years, the methods used in traditionally empirical fields such as biology, physics, chemistry, and economics have been applied and modified to enhance the study of politics, sociology, and entertainment. State & Science seeks to reconcile both of these ideas in an objective but comprehensive way. This is why we combined these two incredibly broad and incredibly important subjects – so that we can bring a scientific method to otherwise contentious subjects, and bring relatability to otherwise sterile sciences.
If you want a thoughtful analysis on the economic implications of the latest Brexit proposal, consideration of the utility of superdelegates in the Democratic primary, a summary of the latest Nobel Prize in Chemistry, or hot takes on the latest iPhone or IPO, you’ve come to the right place. That in mind, already the front-runner for the award of The Postrider’s least sexy vertical, welcome to State & Science.