Alexander Hunter
Toro y Moi and serpentwithfeet Elevate Brooklyn Mirage
My excitement for the show was reduced once I realized the opener, the talented and outspoken Chicago singer/rapper Noname, would not be appearing due to “personal reasons”. But this malaise was short-lived because it would be announced an hour later ...
Pony Express: Thor: Love and Thunder
Michael, Louis, and Alex discuss Thor: Love and Thunder, the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Taika Waititi’s second crack at the God of Thunder.
My Musings on Something in the Water
The state of Virginia fumbling the ball on the Something in the Water Festival will be remembered as a major fumble in 5 years. The Festival brought over 24 million dollars in revenue to Virginia Beach. The women love Lucky ...
My Musings on Game Six of the NBA Finals
Klay’s speech about the healing property of the Ocean. Jayson Tatum is playing confidently, thats good to see. The Celtics are on a barrage early. The fact that Draymond making one 3 is him on is a little funny… …but ...
Ozark, You Will Be Missed
It seems like it was just yesterday that I was watching Wendy’s extramarital lover, Gary, being thrown off a 50th floor balcony,shocking me when it body splattered in front of Marty Byrde as he is on the way to confort ...
My Musings on Game Five of the NBA Finals
The Celtics are in the hole fast. Jayson Tatum is playing so indecisive. Stop turning the ball over Celtics (in Stephen A. Smith weeds voice). The Celtics actually turned around the narrative in the third quarter… Draymonds stat line was ...
My Musings on Games Two and Three of the NBA Finals
Game 2 The fact that Jayson Tatum is practicing in the same gear Kobe was in when he trained for Boston for the draft. Also, the hate from this meme did not amuse me, signed, a proud supporter of the ...
My Musings on Game One of the NBA Finals
Mike Wilbon mentioning how the NBA Finals used to be on tape delay with Magic Johnson right by his side and thousands of Warriors fans at the Chase Center makes you appreciate how far the NBA has come. Draymond’s speech ...
Pony Express: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
Michael, Alex, Lars, Louis, discuss the latest MCU entry, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Pony Express: Moon Knight
Marvel recently concluded (the first season of?) Moon Knight, their latest Disney+ show, and the first to focus on a character who hadn’t been previously introduced in an MCU movie. The premise is… hard to explain, but Michael, Lars, and ...
My Observations from Day One of Broccoli City Festival
Note: I did not go to the second day of Broccoli City Fest because the rainforest like conditions from Day 1 prevented me from purchasing day two tickets, respectfully (Justin La Boy voice). 1. Larry June is a star. To ...
My Ten Takeaways After Binging the NBA Playoffs This Weekend
Jayson Tatum (bias alert: one of my favorite players) is undoubtedly a topfive5 player in the world, which he proved with his and the Celtics’ dominating play. This isn’t just a fluke or home court advantage – it’s great, old-fashioned ...
The Honesty of Abbott Elementary
When I first heard about the show, Abbot Elementary, I could not help but attach to it the stigma of network TV comedies that were not as bold or funny as their premium channel counterparts like Insecure or Barry. But ...
Pony Express: The Batman
Michael, Louis, and Alex discuss The Batman, the latest film entry for the caped crusader and a fascinating new direction for the superhero franchise.
Hulu’s Dopesick Shows How the Sacklers Built an Empire of Pain
“We have to use the terms pain and pain management,” says Richard Sackler in Dopesick. The quote illustrates how Purdue Pharma used these terms as linguistic warfare and infiltrated the American psyche during the inception of the generation altering drug ...
The Terrific Writing of “You” Season 3
Season 2 of You finishes on a cliffhanger and was left on when Love, the character that Joe was obsessing over but was ultimately going to kill, decides not to do so because she reveals in a last second confession ...
The Emmys and Network Television are on Life Support
On the Monday after the Emmys, I decided to catch up on everything I missed (by everything missed I mean the entire award ceremony). When I scroll through my timeline I see a number of encouraging moments: Jason Sudekis winning ...
A Memoriam of Love to Michael K. Williams
A couple of weeks ago I was watching my weekly binge of The Sopranos before I went to bed and while watching episode 13 of Season 3, I noticed an actor that I never knew was in the Sopranos, Michael ...
IDK and Vince Staples Are Still Paying for Their Pasts
A number of music releases came out in July, but by far the most interesting was IDK’s Usee4yourself and Vince Staples’ ‘Vince Staples’. Both artists, after years of putting out solid releases and being consistent, just seem like their stars ...
Tomorrow War is Everything I Want in an Action Movie
“Is that Chris Pine?” My mom asked while we watched the Tomorrow War trailer two weeks before its release. “No this is Chris Pratt, the guy from Parks and Rec,” I answered back. She responded back “wowww he looks different.” ...
Jupiter’s Legacy, Invincible, and Broken Superheroes
When I first encountered the world of super heroes it was through the older 1960s episodes of Batman with Adam West (RIP). They drew me in with the colorful comic book graphics and zany villain outfits (look at the Riddler ...